In my teens, I was first gripped by the wisdom of Daoist philosophy. My upbringing was mostly focused on the intellect but deepened dramatically when I began training with various teachers of health and martial arts. Less “in the head,” I became aware of the connection between body and mind. Since then I integrate Eastern methods for personal development and energy management into modern Western context. I convey my experience and understanding clearly and enthusiastically; structured, creative and with humor.
In 1998 I started training in Universal Healing Tao with Inge Maassen and Reinoud Eleveld. At the same time I started Aikido with 5th Dan Sensei Franciska van Leeuwen. In 2004 I certified as a Qi Gong teacher with Ren Mai Rotterdam and in 2005 I was certified in the Universal Healing Tao in Changmai, Thailand. In China I trained with Young Master Xiao Yao and Hu Xuezhi, among others. Other important teachers were Juan Li (I Ching Dao), Masahiro Ouchi (Tao Zen) and Peter den Dekker (Yi Quan). I am currently training full-time in Bali with Damo Mitchell (Lotus Nei Gong).
With the aim of increasing my impact on the world, since 2012 I also focused on training companies and the government through MENG Elementary work.
Until 2024 I managed Studio MENG in The Hague where I conducted training and seminars in the field of personal development. Now that that space has been cancelled, I am temporarily devoting myself to providing online coaching.
I love cinema and horses. And cats, of course.