Dao training

“To return to the root is to find peace.
To find peace is to fulfill one’s destiny.”

Dao De Jing

Learn to connnect with your inner nature in order to live your better self.

The study of change lies at the root of both martial arts and medical science. Studio MENG Dao training is based on these studies, including Qi Gong, Nei Gong, Dao Yin and Taiji Chuan. We offer exercises to improve our physical and mental integrity.

No need to worry about complex postures or pretty movement. We keep it simple. Less effort turns out to be an achievement of great efficiency.

We practice easy movements that require no strength or agility. Standing and sometimes sitting or lying down, we learn to recognize tension and let it go. We investigate the effects of the movements by allowing the attention to sink deep into the body. In mental training we calm, focus and clear the mind. We develop resilience and tenacity through subtle martial arts. We learn techniques to revitalize ourselves at any given moment. The training is amply supplied with theory.

MENG Elementair werk offers in-depth workshops and training for  companies ready to level-up their leadership, mindset and readiness to change. We offer á la carte formulas and tailor made trainings and would be pleased to hear any of your particular wishes. mattijs@elementairwerk.nl