“To return to the root is to find peace.
To find peace is to fulfill one’s destiny.

Nei Gong – create the conditions for inner change
Nei Gong focuses on developing human potential. Through Qi Gong, Dao Yin, Taiji Quan and mental training, among others, you can increase the efficiency of body and mind. A long and extraordinarily profound process in which each of these aspects requires considerable dedication in itself.
For most people, the Nei Gong process is not a realistic option. But the fundamentals of the training already produce fantastic results for the regular practitioner. In individual counseling, therefore, I carefully tune the degree to which the student is interested in entering into the training.
MENG Elementair werk offers in-depth workshops and training for companies ready to level-up their leadership, mindset and readiness to change. We offer á la carte formulas and tailor made trainings and would be pleased to hear any of your particular wishes. mattijs@elementairwerk.nl