Classes and workshops

Summer 2025, The Hague

Recovery Qigong

Recover your ENERGY
Recover your FLOW
Recover your JOY
Recover your PRESENCE

Seated training for people in recovery processes (burnout, chemotherapy, etc.), for those who are less able to walk, or who are otherwise limited in their movement or stamina.
We bring our attention into the body and explore mobility and stillness. Simple movements, seated Zhan Zuang, basic Qigong and activating the vital energy in the so-called Dantian.

FREE Online Introduction class on Monday, April 21th.

May 12 – August 18 (except June 9th):
Mondays 13.00 – 14.00 hrs
• Online
• Or live in De Zevende Hemel – Laan van Meerdervoort 190, D.H.

One class €15.
2 class/week €30. // 3 class/week = €35.
4 class/week = €40. // 10 class/summer (card) = €120

Qigong foundations

The efficiency of body and mind is the key to connecting with the soul.

Training to make the physical body stronger and healthier so that it can serve as a vehicle for deeper energetic work. Next we focus on cultivating the subtler energy system, in which we develop flow and harmony of the vital energy (qi).

Unlike the popular interpretation, Qigong is not about ‘flow and gentle power’. Focused on changing our internal organization, Qigong requires intense, sometimes painful training.

Mondays 19.30 – 21.00 hrs.
Koorenhuis (July 12 th to May 14th – except June 9th)
De Zevende Hemel (July 21 – August 18th)

One class €15.
2 class/week €30. // 3 class/week = €35.
4 class/week = €40. // 10 class/summer (card) = €120

Taiji Quan (Yang 37 form)

“To maintain balance while constantly shifting is an art few ever acquire”

Leave your silk pajamas at home. After an intense warm-up, we will train Wu Song Shen Fa, Ji Ben Qi Gongs, standing (Zhan Zuang), principles and form.
Beginners and slightly advanced practitioners.

Sundays 10.30 – 12.00 hrs.
Wednesdays 19.00 – 20.30 hrs.

May 11th – August 20th (except June 8th)
De Verademing (outside)

One class €15.
2 class/week €30. // 3 class/week = €35.
4 class/week = €40. // 10 class/summer (card) = €120

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Develop your potential from inside out

Text or email Mattijs to schedule a video call immediately!